
Verification Details

EDrive Token

EDrive Token


EDriveToken is an ecosystem of projects aimed at revolutionizing the automotive industry, starting from a tokenization platform to democratize access to collectors' cars and an app to promote adoption of sustainable mean of transportation, supported by the unique business model Drive2Save.

KYC date:
November 8th 2023
1 team member Verified
Liquidity Contract Treasury/Project Funds
No socials available

No Assure Defi Code Audit Detected


Assure Defi country tier rankings are as follows:

Tier 1: Strong law enforcement with resources and capabilities to effectively legislate & pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

Tier 2: Moderately effective law enforcement, lacking some resources & capabilities to effectively pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

Tier 3: Law enforcement & legislative resources severely lacking. In most cases would prove ineffective at pursuing crypto-related cybercrime.