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$PHOTON is a Decentralised Exchange Protocol, a platform where to swap& trade tokens and coins safe & fast, based on Cronos EVM Chain. Bringing swap &exchange of cryptocurrencies to a clean trading environment.Brings investments of kindproducts to a high APY earnings percentage and in a fair distributed system of farming &staking.Trading digital currencies on Photonswap is an exciting approach with noexecution delays or unnecessary distractions. Every trade is instant and relies on one ofthe decentral smart contracts that are safely deployed on the blockchain.An easy tool swapcoins & tokens and provide liquidity to pools to satisfy the power of safe earnings & profits.
No Assure Defi Code Audit Detected
Assure Defi country tier rankings are as follows:
Tier 1: Strong law enforcement with resources and capabilities to effectively legislate & pursue crypto-related cybercrime.
Tier 2: Moderately effective law enforcement, lacking some resources & capabilities to effectively pursue crypto-related cybercrime.
Tier 3: Law enforcement & legislative resources severely lacking. In most cases would prove ineffective at pursuing crypto-related cybercrime.