
Verification Details

Pounder Protocol

Pounder Protocol


The utility of the Pounder Protocol ensures that token staker assets are taken and locked for liquidity instantly. Automatic Liquidity Pool (LP) is a secret sauce of Pounder Protocol. To begin, the contract takes tokens from liquidity providers and adds them to the LP, therefore establishing a price floor. Second, it assures that the volume of Pounder Protocol is used as a reward for the Pounder Protocol.

KYC date:
May 4th 2022
2 team members Verified
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Treasury Liquidity Contract
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No Assure Defi Code Audit Detected


Assure Defi country tier rankings are as follows:

Tier 1: Strong law enforcement with resources and capabilities to effectively legislate & pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

Tier 2: Moderately effective law enforcement, lacking some resources & capabilities to effectively pursue crypto-related cybercrime.

Tier 3: Law enforcement & legislative resources severely lacking. In most cases would prove ineffective at pursuing crypto-related cybercrime.